Sunday 16 October 2022

Short JB Trip (October 2022) - Day 2 of 2

At midnight, we ended the Fight School movie and we all headed out towards KSL for our Thai massage. Reached the place at 12:30am and the massage started. Shiok. The therapist cracked so many bones and I felt so shiok!!!

Then nearing to 2am, the massage finished and we all headed back, seeing lightning in the skies. Stopped by a 24-hour mama shop to buy some food but all got scared by a flying cockroach in the store. Then we hurriedly headed back upstairs.

I showered first because the cockroach landed on my face. Water was shit cold as the heater wasn't working. But okay better than SAF can already. Then joined them for the 3rd movie, some mobster show. We all started drinking only at 4am. By this time, I ate a packet of spicy chips already.

The 3rd bottle of soju made me feel like puking because of the wrong mixture in my stomach. I actually went into my room and puked from our 25th level down to first floor. LMAO. Puked twice even. Felt better after that but really couldn't drink anymore.

Drifted in and out of sleep in all kinds of position for about 4 hours while the rest just kept chatting in the living room. Sherianne also toh quite early. I was so disappointed in myself. Really should have started drinking abit earlier and shouldn't have went massage with soju swirling around in my stomach.

Played some phone games in the morning while everyone was still sleeping because I just couldn't sleep. Then woke everyone up at 11am because 12pm need to checkout already. Packed everything and realised we still have 6 bottles of soju.

Went downstairs at 12pm and booked Grab to KSL to eat lunch. Or breakfast. We settled food at this porridge and youtiao stall. Overpriced shit. But okay couldn't care less with this crazy lack of sleep. Then Jaaron suddenly said he has to go back early for a dinner with his girlfriend's family.

So we collectively decided to just head home at 1pm. While we waited for Grab, we bought Starbucks drinks. At the same time, I approached a random group of youngsters checking in to the KSL hotel and gave them all 6 bottles of soju for free. 

Then Grabbed to the customs. Cleared customs within the hour because it is still rather early. But hell, when it was our turn, we looked behind and estimated the queue to be at least 2 hours long. Lucky close shave right there. Bought 250RM and there was 30RM leftover. Excluding the drinks payment and the Grab payments.

When we reached Kranji MRT, Jaaron was the first to secure a cab home. Sheri, Wei Liang and me waited with Kityee for her Grab. Joked and chatted till her cab came. Then 3 of us took train back home. I reached home at 4pm. Great weekend!!!

Saturday 15 October 2022

Short JB Trip (October 2022) - Day 1 of 2

Woke up at 6am on the dot. Washed up and prepared to leave house anytime. Saw the message that some of them are gonna be late so I just chilled at home until 6:30am. Then left house and reached Kranji MRT at 7am to see only Wei Liang on time. End up Kityee and Sherianne reached at 7:30am.

Jaaron even better, reached Woodlands checkpoint at 8:15am. 4 of us travelled there to meet him. Because of this late shit, we spent 3 more hours at the custom queuing. If they had stuck to my original timing of 6:30am, we would have been in Malaysia long ago.

We only cleared JB's side at 11:30am. We headed right to JB Sentral to settle lunch. We ended up choosing some alas restaurant not too far from the checkpoint. Shit was expensive but the food was good. Ate until super full and sat until legs felt strong again!!!

Then 5 of us Grabbed out to the airbnb accommodations straight. There were some slight delays with the receiving of keys because the unit is not ready yet for us to take over. So we chilled at the lounge for about an hour. Me and Jaaron just spammed Mobile Legends.

Then it was ready at 3pm and we headed up. The view was amazing. But the house feels even better. We settled in and don't know why they decided to watch Mr Bean's Holiday movie. Super random but we did eventually finish the entire movie.

Then we headed out for dinner. Sheri wanted to go Sephora at this Tebrau Aeon Mall so we all Grabbed there. Original plan was to eat some atas Western food called TonyRoma's. But the service was so shitty we just left without ordering anything. Then we split us and the girls went to the food court. I saw Sean Goh from university at the mall. What a small world!!!

Me and Jaaron went upstairs to buy Shilin street snacks. I bought myself one cutlet and the meesua. Eat until happy sia. Then chilled at the foodcourt for abit before walking around the supermarket. Bought 12 bottles of soju and 48 bottles of yakult to mix at night.

Then we all left and headed back to the accommodations. I played Pokemon Go whenever I can because we are in Bolehland and each Pokestop is a new exploration place. Then it was another Netflix movie called Fight School. Visited the toilet a few times and started drinking some of my soju.