Thursday 16 February 2023

Bangkok Holiday Trip (February 2023) - Day 1 of 4

For as long as Covid-19 was a thing, I never travelled at all. Last trip was New Zealand in 2019 and honestly, that was the best trip ever in my life. Today, in 2023, Bangkok is the first country I took a plane to ever since Covid-19 took a backseat.

It all started last year when me and this same group of friends (Kityee, Sherianne, Wei Liang, Jaaron) went JB and realised going somewhere further might be possible. Plans became reality in December when we booked the flight tickets. Clarie soon joined after she cleared her schedule. 6 pax, 4 days, 1 short getaway trip!

So for this short 4-day trip, originally I wanted to bring the 30L backpack I carried to New Zealand, but figured it's overkill. The above picture shows everything I need for Bangkok. So I switched to my daily carry army bag instead, with a mini army bag as travel bag.

All 6 of us met at Changi Airport at 9am. We all ate McDonalds breakfast before flying off. Upon arrival at the Bangkok airport, Clarie's luggage was missing. Turns out that some boomer took her luggage by accident and we ended up spending more than an hour at the airport waiting to resolve the situation. Only left the airport at 3pm. What a sad start to the trip!

Because of the hoo-ha, everyone was too sian to carry all their luggage onto the Airport Rail Link so we took Grab instead. This above picture was the very first thing we ate after we reached the Airbnb via Grab van. It was basically roti prata, made in the exact same way but different condiments. Super good sia.

We walked further down the street and saw this noodles store. Feeling too hungry, we just sat down and ordered everything on the menu. It turned out to be surprisingly good. Like damn. This was the best roadside noodles I have ever eaten, or maybe it's because we are just too hungry.

Look at that!!! After filling our stomachs, we took a shortcut to Siam square by cutting through the alleyways. Chanced upon a coffee store and entered it to drink some coffee. Super atas place and coffee wasn't cheap. But oh wells, we were all super thirsty then.

I ordered a cup of "Military", whatever that meant. To be very very honest, it's just coffee to my taste. I don't know, I'm not a coffee expert. But it was a nice little expensive drink. We then carried on our journey towards Siam square. 

The girls got straight off to shopping while us guys just wanted more food. We chanced upon an ice cream store and went all out. Wow. Super duper tasty. Amazing!!! Then 3 of us just crossed over to Siam Center and found a spot to sit down. We sat down for a super long time before leaving for our next location.

Took Grab to Jodd's Fair for our first night market experience. The Grab ride was super bad. Traffic jam everywhere. Honestly would have been so much faster if we took the MRT. Not to mention, much cheaper too. We arrived at the night market at 9pm plus.

Went to find the girls who found seats right infront of the Tiktok girl. The amount of people just visiting her stall to take videos is insane. Literally felt like they were treating her as a monkey in a cage. Unbelievable. 

Us guys walked around to buy food and drinks. Tonight was the night I fell in love with Bangkok's mango smoothie. Look at the size of that and that colour! It's crazy! Food-wise we just ate random stuff and was too hungry to take any pictures. Damn. This pretty much sums up day 1, ending with another Grab ride back to the Airbnb.

Click here for Day 2!

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