Tuesday 17 December 2019

NZ 2019 - Flight to Auckland (Day 1 of 15)

***The following is the account of the first-person-view from Edwin Ang.***

Carried on from where I left off on Day 0's midnight, I proceeded to find a place to rest at Chengdu's airport for the rest of my time there. Visited the lounge but couldn't sleep knowing it's gonna be my first and last time at Chengdu. So I decided to wait for my phone to finish charging then leave the lounge.

Meanwhile, I actually waited for the wrong Sichuan Airlines counter to open. Waited for the freaking domestic flights and was wondering why things are so quiet even though I'm like an hour away from the boarding time. Luckily I asked some info counter and they pointed me to the right ones. Lesson learnt, gotta walk around more.

As usual, the process was rather slow but I managed to pass through unharmed. They didn't even ask for my name. A 13-hour flight with Chinese nationals are no joke. Luckily the seat beside me was empty so I had lots of legroom. Managed to only watch one movie with their in-flight entertainment and slept the rest of my time away.

Reached Auckland and my goodness, the weather was perfect. At 15 degrees Celsius, it was like free air-con for me. There are more checks to be done at NZ cos of some biosecurity risk. Threw away my honey because of that. Collected my data plan from VodaPhone and headed over to the bus terminal. 

8pm at New Zealand and sky still so bright.
Took the SkyBus Express to Queens Street and walked to Metro Adventurer Backpackers hostel. Was a rather nice walk that reminded me of my Taiwan trip. I'd take a walk in this weather over travelling in a car anytime. 

Immediately spent NZD52 in cash for the 2 nights at the hostel. Turns out that most of the hostels I booked on booking.com can be transacted in cash! After a quick settle down, I walked back out onto the street in my PT kit. Everyone be judging but screw them, I'm liking the weather.

Ate at McDonalds because this whole city shuts down at 9pm, which happens to be their sunset time also, and to me that is pretty damn weird. I learnt from a quick observation that nobody really hangs around on the streets much once it turns dark.

Ate this Kiwiburger (meal costed NZD10) that's no different from a Big Mac in terms of taste, but I'll accept it as it was rather delicious. Drank hot coffee and then ran for my life back to the hostel because it started raining. Suddenly I regretted wearing so less clothes.

View of Auckland streets
Went back for a quick shower. After a series of small talks with the people at the kitchen, I went to sleep. 12 midnight here is literally 7pm back in Singapore. So not used to it but I'm an adaptable soldier so it's not too bad. Beds are super comfy so that's a good start!

Click here for Day 2!

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