Tuesday 31 December 2019

NZ 2019 - Home Sweet Home (Day 15 of 15)

***The following is the account of the first-person-view from Edwin Ang.***

This day is dedicated to my very first time in Australia, even though it's just a transit. Shall start with how I managed to endure a 13-hour wait till my first flight.

And this was how. Pulled 3 chairs together to form a bed that I can slide right in. I was the only one sleeping in the entire airport apparently, as mentioned because New Zealand has such important work-life balance that even Wellington airport shuts down for a few hours everyday. Thank God I didn't get chased out (Google reviews mentioned people getting chased out of the airport!).

I slept in high alert mode like how I do during guard duty because my guitar and bag are out in the open. Any slight movement behind me will wake me up, and mind you, there was a lot. I woke up and fell right back asleep so many times. This vicious cycle ended at 4am, when I was allowed to check-in. Ended up checking both guitar and bag in because guitar was too big. Dang.

The departure area for Wellington Airport is a snugly one, just as I had to spend my remaining coins on more Subway cookies. Stupid Subway outside gave me five one dollar coins instead of a five dollar note. Pure nonsense. Plane was on time, which is awesome! Food was great on Qantas compared to those China airlines.

Had scrambled eggs and coffee, two things to start my final day of 2019 right. After a short 3-hour flight, I landed in Sydney, and immediately felt the heat. The forest fires really made the entire Sydney hazy. Thankfully I didn't have to step out of the airport!

It's a pretty big Terminal, comparable to just half of Singapore's T1! Walked a 15-minute walk to my next gate and just camped there all the way. Had no Australian Dollar to spend anyway. Dumb me actually wanted to change back to SG SIM card but realised it's not in my bag. Probably placed it inside my guitar case for "added protection". Now I have no way of using my data until check-out from Changi Airport.

Welp! Upon reaching Singapore, worst still, it's not even in my guitar case. Searched high and low for it to no avail. Declared my SIM card lost. Also, my sleeping bag magically disappeared too. That's two items lost on the way back. I knew trips definitely will have hiccups, but I didn't expect it to be at the last day of my trip (and on Christmas Day for that matter).

Dad came to pick me up from the airport and drove me to Grace Assembly of God for the countdown service of 2019. After a few months of not going church, it was nice seeing many of my friends, especially my bro and cousin. Feels so weird being back in the heat of Singapore. Definitely felt overwhelmed by all the noise tonight and I really wanna go back to New Zealand!! :(

As one wise man said, all good things have to come to an end so better things can begin. With that, I thank you for reading through everything that I have typed. With so many wonderful memories to share, I urge you to ask me out so I can share more in detail with you! Have a great 2020 ahead!

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