Monday 23 December 2019

NZ 2019 - Rotorua to Taupo (Day 7 of 15)

***The following is the account of the first-person-view from Edwin Ang.***

Here's to almost reaching the halfway mark of my adventure! Woke up today like every other last day in a particular hostel, which is lepak until 10am checkout. This is one of the hostels I would stay at again if I have the chance. Wanted to visit some guitar shops but a bit lazy with the backpack so went to the bus terminal to hobo. Good thing most bus terminals have charging spots and free WiFi!!!

The bus that took me to Taupo today wasn't like the other big buses. It was a mini-bus with a hooked up wagon behind for storage. Ride was quite fast and the scenery was ever amazing!!! Maybe next time I come New Zealand I might rent a car so I can stop and take more scenic photos on my own!

Taupo Urban Backpackers hostel was a short walk from the bus station. Inside is one of the most amazing rooms I've seen, even more amazing than Rotorua's. It was a real attic with super neat beds and clean feel overall. I'm quite surprised that the better hostels are all at the countryside!

Not wasting any more time, I headed towards Lake Taupo for my usual exploration. Stopped by Pizza Hut to get my 3rd pizza of the trip. Ate the exact same flavour (bacon and cheese) as yesterday's lunch because it is so freaking nice. Decided to dine in today and enjoyed stretching the cheese with my mouth a lot. Guess pizza is better the hotter it is.

After finishing the pizza, I stopped by Countdown to get my usual 1.5L water and a bag of gummy bears. Walked towards Waikato River and turned left to the beach area. Saw many people walking their dogs and that made me really want a dog. Shhh, someday I'll just bring a dog home if there's a chance!

Only managed to take one picture because the wind was too strong and my phone couldn't stand up by itself long enough. The view was average, not as nice as Rotorua's. It's okay though, gonna explore Huka Falls tomorrow, which I think it will be pretty neat.

Ducks were everywhere. New Zealand is full of ducks at the countryside! Ducks and seagulls to be precise. They even ate some of my gummy bears! Yummy!

It was a rather cloudy day today so I couldn't take any breathtaking photos, sadly. Will try again tomorrow. I doubt the view is as nice as Rotorua's anyway. I just went back to the hostel because I was freezing without my jacket (yeah I still underestimate my tolerance for cold even at Day 7).

Popped back out onto the streets to get some snacks as my dinner. Passed by a supposed "World's Coolest McDonald's" and took a picture. Did a quick Google search and meh, it was only 7th coolest. Pffft scam my feelings...

Got a 3L bottle of apple juice for NZD3.50 and a packet of chips for NZD3. Got also a nail cutter (finally) for NZD4. Whew there goes day 7!!! Most boring day of my trip but hey I accomplished a whole lot already. Probably walked over 50km up till this point of my trip.

Click here for Day 8!

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