Monday 30 December 2019

NZ 2019 - Exploring Wellington (Day 14 of 15)

***The following is the account of the first-person-view from Edwin Ang.***

My official last day roaming the streets of New Zealand is finally here. Like, I'm really really sad that my 2 weeks here flown past so freaking fast. It has really been an awesome journey and I won't hesitate to do it again!

Woke up at 6am because I couldn't really sleep knowing my journey is about to end. Checked out at 8am and decided to put NZD8 into a locker that I can store my baggage while I explore Wellington proper. First stop would be the Wellington Te Papa Museum.

Yeap, this is part of the museum's exhibit, captured with my very own phone's camera. Walked through a detailed military history of New Zealand. Quite amazing that they kept records from a few centuries ago intact! I seldom visit museums but since this is Wellington's top few attractions and was free, why not?

This book has a special story to it. It apparently saved a life of a soldier by stopping a bullet. And just so happened that the bullet stopped right below a verse that says "It is I. Do not be afraid." Like really super scary but cool!

Then there's this cat that have been modelled super duper close to a real one. The exhibitions are literally full of life-like statues. Each one have been so finely detailed that I can only wonder how long it took for one statue to be created!

Cool stuff! After about an hour inside, I could read no more and went to the gift shop. Spent about NZD55 buying small gifts and accessories for my family members. Crazy expensive but someone has to buy them! For me personally, I didn't want to buy anything for anyone because I'm really here just to see New Zealand for myself and enjoy myself. If you want gifts, I can bring you here next time (at your own expenses unless you are my girlfriend LOL) and you can buy one for yourself!

Googled and found a few more gift shops around the city and started visiting each one of them. Passed by a few monumental buildings and the city sights are pretty awesome! Spent another NZD25 to buy a few more similar items at the other gift shops. Souvenirs include coasters and fridge magnets (mum wants them) and NZ edition playing cards (siblings). I don't really know what else to buy so probably these are all. I'd rather bring them here another time to buy it themselves.

Couldn't find a Pizza Hut to settle my final pizza of the year so I went to McDonald's again instead. Have a little over 80 bucks to spend for the rest of my trip so I ordered the largest burger I can find on the menu. The NZD15 Big Cheese Angus Beef burger meal made me so full. After that, I took a walk over around Wellington Railway Station. Walked down both sides of the station and explored further up the tracks. It was a cold walk as the winds near the port is super strong.

Scurried back to the hostel lobby when my phone battery blinked red. Stayed there to charge my phone while I use up my remaining data. Phone reached 100% at 4pm, and that was when I decided to take the NZD12 airport express out of Wellington. Goodbye little city! I'll be back next year end for work!

Reached Airport at 4:30pm and the slow 13-hour wait begins. There was nothing much I could do at Wellington Airport because most shops closes after 5pm. Yeah, even the freaking airport closes for a good few hours everyday. What a perfect work-life balance indeed!

Found a good spot to chill and then went to get a footlong and a bottle of plain water from Subway because my stomach was calling out for dinner. Went back to this same spot to finish my dinner and then wait till next morning. T'was a rather nice day overall.

I definitely will miss New Zealand over the next few weeks because I have really thoroughly enjoyed living in my own world for 2 weeks. My real dream is to live over here for a good amount of time so that is still something I can look forward to. I cannot simply describe my entire experience in words because much of New Zealand cannot be seen, but felt.

If life permits, I would really love to visit New Zealand every single year. There is still so much to explore that I haven't set foot in. Till next time!

Click here for Day 15!

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