Tuesday 24 December 2019

NZ 2019 - Exploring Taupo (Day 8 of 15)

***The following is the account of the first-person-view from Edwin Ang.***

Hello and welcome to the middle of my journey. Thank you all for clicking till here. My longest trip (Taiwan) ended at the 8th day while today is only the middle of this trip. Woke up at 7am and couldn't sleep anymore. My bed was just beside the window and the noisy street prevented me from going back to sleep.

Here's a picture of Donald duck to introduce today's adventure. I knew today's walk is gonna be a long one so I definitely have to eat before I start walking. Nowhere was open that early so I went to McDonald's.

Ate a Massive McMuffin meal and explored the supposed "coolest" feature, the airplane. Meh, experience ruined by a bunch of China people talking so loudly as if it's their own house. Went back to hostel to fetch my 3L worth of apple juice.

Instead of turning left when I reached Waikato River, I turned right today. Walked down this crazy long road called Spa Road in the intense sun. Really have to stick to walking if I wanna do everything by foot. Finally reached the start of the Huka Falls trail and today's adventure began with an amazing view!

The trail was one of the best walks I've had this trip. All the time being beside the river, I can hear the water flow and the wind blow. Shiok. There were lots of photo spots too! I've never loved rivers this much! This is the same exact river that flowed some 200km from Hamilton!

There were random rapids down stream and a whole big camping ground for people who wants to camp out! That is one experience I would really love to try in the future!

Thankfully the trail is popular and there are many tourists to help me take my photos. There is even this one Singaporean girl who was rather pretty that helped me take my photo. Unfortunately I could only follow behind because her entire family was there! :(

Reached Huka Falls after about 2 hours of walk uphill and downhill. Dayum, was the view nice. I actually expected a waterfall but Huka was merely fast rapids. Still a great photo opportunity though! There was a lot of people and I waited a really long time to take a photo without some random people's butt in it!

There was this one other platform at the other side of the river that have literally no one and the end of the falls could be a backdrop in my photos! Why crowd on the main platform and wait a long time for my turn when I can just walk a bit more and find a quiet spot?

While I was there, there was this Indian family that walked over to me and initiated conversation. Their first question is about my nationality and they were right in guessing I am Singaporean! Turns out that they were Singaporeans and they have migrated here for quite some time already. They shared that they never regretted migrating and they are loving every part of their life now.

They identified me by the way I "pose" for my pictures. LOL. Us Singaporeans do have our own poses that people can differentiate from. Well, I hope to be like this family one day, moving over and enjoying life to the fullest!

After spending the next 15 minutes at my own peaceful spot, I took the path on the other side of the river back to Taupo. This time, the path wasn't as obvious thus it wasn't that popular. This dirt path literally ended within 5 minutes. Okay LOL.

I had to walk on the main road for like an hour, following behind another tourist who was walking towards Taupo city centre like me. Hot intense sun made me sweat a lot. Really regret wearing jeans today. But oh wells, I look good in the photos so that's all that matters.

Detoured down some random private houses estate and found this super isolated dirt path. It brought me right beside the river and the sights were unparalleled. Yellow flowers filled the entire place. It was a nice little hidden retreat that nobody knew about. There was absolutely no one and I have officially included this place as one of my retirement considerations!

After this field of yellow flowers, I was back at Taupo. Went into Countdown and bought myself gummy bears, one loaf of bread and a bottle of wine. Freaking cheap wine. NZD9 per bottle. Wow imagine if I live here, I would be a serious alcoholic for life!

Fed the entire loaf of bread to the ducks while I enjoyed my gummy bears and accidentally drank too much wine. Felt a little wobbly after standing up and hurried back to hostel. Promptly came back out to buy pizza and astonishingly, another bottle of wine. It's too crazy cheap and I just can't believe it. Redeemed a free cheese pizza on top of my purchase!!!

Ate the large pizza on my bed plus one slice of the small cheese one. Couldn't eat no more so I'm saving the cheese one for breakfast tomorrow. Walked back out to Lake Taupo to finish my first bottle of wine while I play Mobile Legends in the Aussie server.

Stupid Australians keep throw game. Guess Mobile Legends is the same everywhere. Trollers everywhere. Wanted to take photos of Lake Taupo and call it bad luck but today was freaking cloudy again. Eh come on leh I only here for 2 days sia... Sigh... Next time I'm back in New Zealand, Lake Taupo will be the first few places I visit!

Click here for Day 9!

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