Monday 18 December 2023

NZ 2023 - South Bay (Day 14 of 33)

Link to Day 14's video:

Today was batshit crazy. Imagine waking up at 5am to walk a total of 40+ kilometres and 50k steps. Yeah I did that today. Craziest day of my life (other than Ben Lomond). But hey, waking up to a perfect view of the Pacific Ocean is something I'll never not marvel at.

The South Bay walk in the morning was fun! Got to see the beautiful sunrise and also climb some cliffs. The way the cows stand at the top of the hills were hilarious. I made my way to the tip of South Bay where it started to go uphill.

There was this amazing sea view somewhere at the top. I saw an opening to climb down a very suspicious cliff to get closer to the animals so I tried it. But it got too dangerous so I backtracked and return to the original route. 

Further down the trail, there was a legit way down and when I took it, I encountered sea lions and noped my way out of there. The animals were pretty aggressive because they were nesting and their pups are all there. I retracted about 2km back to the original path.

I returned back to the hostel for a recharge at 11am just when the sun was beginning to get scorching hot. Then I set foot out towards Mount Fyffe. Along the way, I met many different kinds of animals, from goats, to deers, to cows, to sheep, to lambs, to horses. I talked to each one of them like a crazy guy cause two weeks alone is turning me crazy.

Saddest part is, I didn’t bring enough water to even reach Mount Fyffe base. Like Google Maps straight up just lied that the walk is 13km, when it is in fact around 20km, hence I didn’t prepare enough water. I stopped at a junction contemplating for a very long time whether I should risk it and continue to the summit. In the end, I concluded that it is too risky to go without enough water.

The route there was treacherous. No joke. Imagine walking straight with nothingness around you for one whole hour. Yeah. Somehow I had the sheer willpower to do it, and I did it!

Ended my day with some pizza from a place called Black Rabbit Pizza (NZD$28.56) just as the skies began to rain. I also got awarded a blister on one of my toes for walking so much today. Sian!!!

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