Saturday 9 December 2023

NZ 2023 - Nicols Falls (Day 5 of 33)

Link to Day 5's video:

Today I woke up at 7:30am, hoping to do my laundry, but the laundry room opens at 3pm. What nonsense!!! So I recorded a few clips for the video in the hostel before starting my day.

Filled up my stomach with a hearty American breakfast at a little cafe called Corner Cafe for NZD$29.50! First time having poached eggs, wow! Unbelievably tasty! I might just start having these kind of breakfasts for the rest of the trip!

Then I made my way to the Otago Museum and Science Centre. The museum is free-of-charge, but the Science Centre costs NZD$20. Of course I had more fun at the Science Centre since I’m a science dude and not a history dude.

I was done with the museum pretty quickly lmao. So I picked a spot on Google Maps and started walking there. Chanced upon Taco Bell for lunch (NZD$13.48) and I gotta say it’s the best thing I have eaten in New Zealand so far, other than the poached Benedict eggs this morning. Popped by over quickly to the Botanic Gardens to check out some pretty flowers.

Got bored real quick so I made the impromptu decision to seek out a rare and secluded waterfall. Trekked through suspicious routes, got lost, almost died a few times, just to find the waterfall, which I did!

The waterfall is really amazing!!! I spent half an hour there just enjoying my time and taking pictures. Then I left and headed back to town, not forgetting to pick up another Burrito from Taco Bell (NZD$13.98) and a pint of beer (NZD$14) at Brew Bar before heading back to the hostel.

I'm very happy to have made the walk to Nicols waterfall! It was a wonderful adventure!

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