Wednesday 20 December 2023

NZ 2023 - Taylor River (Day 16 of 33)

Link to Day 16's video:

To be honest, I quite sian of this city already. It was true, what the other traveller at Kaikoura told me: Blenheim got nothing but sun! Truth to be told, the entirety of today was just thinking if I should fast-forward my trip to Christchurch! Woke up early to rush to the Warehouse to get some stamps for my postcards. Damn, stamps cost NZD$2 each and is only sold at 10 per pack. Had to get 20 stamps. :(

But yes, the sun is always shining because there are absolutely no clouds. None. I rented a bicycle in the morning to cycle around but the seat was hard as rock, wheels are thin as pancakes, and sun is hot as hell. This was nothing like cycling in Dunedin, even if Dunedin was also hot.

The sights were very different from Dunedin though. Flat plains that extends far beyond the eyes can see. Rows and rows of vineyards, which is what Blenheim is known for. I cycled parallel to the Taylor River till the sun was too hot for me to handle.

Stopped at this random river crossing and just chilled there for a bit, occasionally feeding the weird ass fish in the river. After that, I just cycled back to town and passed by this super chill neighbourhood. Like legit it just feels like some chalet resort sia. I wouldn't mind stay there sia. Then I promptly returned the bike after 2 hours of cycling. Bought a cup of milk tea for NZD$7.50 after walking past it.

Then just sat down on a park bench under a tree beside Taylor River for 3 hours. Shiok! Ate some biscuits and listened to some music while I chilled there, enjoying my life! I also took the time to call my parents and let them consider coming to NZ for a holiday next April! 

After that, I suddenly had the idea to go read books at the library! And that’s what I did! It was a chill library called Marlborough Library, and that was where I read and learnt about the mega earthquake that rocked the South Island!

I learnt so much about New Zealand’s history in just 3 hours. Guess I found what I wanna do over the next 2 days!!! Then I finished my day with dinner at Marlborough Public House with a steak costing NZD$39.78. Their steak is actually comparable to Star & Garter, but still can't take it's place in my heart. Their sauce is amazing, best I’ve had in New Zealand!!!

Saw this damn cool old couple roll into the restaurant's parking lot in their very cool antique car. Wow. Life of New Zealanders, really shiok sia. Dude drove in just to have a pint of beer with his friends.

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