Tuesday 12 December 2023

NZ 2023 - Bushy Beach (Day 8 of 33)

Link to Day 8's video: https://youtu.be/6fNEDMcw1Jc

Today actually woke up at 6:30am, but snoozed and lazed in bed till 9:30am. Just spent the time catching up on news and installing iOS 17.2. Then went out for breakfast at Shortblack Cafe, just opposite the hostel.

It was big breakfast once again, but this time, the breakfast is too big. Like the portion is insane and I was so full I didn’t even need lunch. For NZD$30, it was damn worth it. Straight up left town and headed for the public gardens. It was so chill that I just stayed there for 2 hours, feeding ducks and geese.

Then I walked out of there and headed to Oamaru lookout to check out some breathtaking views of the city. It was a short walk from the gardens but I intentionally took detours to check out more things!

Then it was time for Bushy Beach. This was a crazy long walk from the city and in the hot sun too! When I reached the beach, I was disappointed to know that the penguins are also not ready to return to shore. I made a wasted trip but okay at least some albatrosses were there to greet me.

At 4pm, I decided to head back to rest because I was rather tired and since this is a small town, I could take the time to rest more. Finished off the day with yet another hearty dinner at Star and Garter, which is slowly becoming my most favourite restaurant in New Zealand!

Then it was time for penguins!!! Camped at the Oamaru point until 10pm in the cold just to see penguins. However, the skies stole the show. Like wow, this is single-handedly the best view of the skies I have seen in my trip thus far!

The orange skies were really insane in person!!! These photos don't even do it justice!

And then the penguins arrived! I didn't take many photos because the place is rather dark, but I took tons of videos. Very cute penguins!!!

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